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Equality Act 2010 Training

Equality Act 2010‘Michelle Hay Training Limited is committed to the Equality Act 2010 and no-one shall receive less favourable treatment on any grounds including age, sex, marital status, colour, race, political or religious belief, disability or sexual orientation.’

That’s what I have included in my ‘other information’ section of my terms and conditions, but what does it really mean?

Today the trainer, (me), received Equality Act 2010 training. Now I have the very latest information on this important legislation and will be able to demonstrate it to my trainees and clients.

For anyone who has ever been discriminated against, the law is there to protect you in two ways. First, it gives clear guidance on the groups of society that have ‘protected characteristics’. Secondly, it defines what constitutes as prohibited conduct (discrimination) in the eyes of the law.

Of course, there is a lot more to this law than the above and I believe that everyone would benefit from learning more about it. That’s why I’m sharing this with you.

Although I had already considered this subject when setting out my values, I will certainly use the training that I received today; tomorrow and every day. Not just in a trainer capacity, but as a human being and part of a community. For more information see the link below from the government website.

Equality Act 2010.

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