Every work place is required to carry out and document a Fire Risk Assessment under UK law
Every year around 40 people die in fires that start in their workplace. Over 22,000 fires occur in non-domestic dwellings and over 1,000 people are injured in fires at work each year. This is mainly through inhalation of toxic fumes from the fire, not only the fire itself.
Are you doing enough to keep people in your business premises safe from fire?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that a responsible person should be appointed who will take action to ensure that:
A fire risk assessment for work places looks closely at the fire safety provision in a workplace and makes recommendations for improvement, if necessary. The result of a thorough assessment is that everyone in their workplace knows what to do, either if they discover a fire or, hear the alarm. More importantly, they should know how to prevent fires from starting.
As a qualified and experienced fire risk assessor of work places, I can help you make sense of your moral and legal obligations.
Michelle Hay Training can train your staff too! The knowledge gained from the Fire Safety Awareness and the Fire Marshal courses will help to keep your workplace and employees safe.
Book an Assessment
Email michelle@michellehay.com or call 0161 298 1040 to arrange or use the contact form.
If you haven’t carried out a fire risk assessment for your workplace, get in touch for a free quote.
It could be the best time you invest in your business
Any questions?
I’m always happy to answer any questions you might have about the services I offer and how I work.
Email michelle@michellehay.com or call 0161 298 1040 to arrange or use the contact form