Fake food scandal revealed
Fake-food scandal revealed as tests show third of products mislabelled | World news | The Guardian.
Another fake food scandal revealed and this disturbing news, I think, will continue due to the fact that it is financially worth risking getting caught it seems. Since it is impossible to scientifically check all food products being sold; businesses, large and small will continue to cheat the public for years to come.
Our greedy and ridiculously expensive society has lost it’s morals. The term ‘do the right thing’ doesn’t seem to be in many businesses policies of late. Yes, i’m sure there are many who do behave honestly but when we hear more of the same bad news, it’s difficult to trust anyone.
More and more I hear that busineses are being dishonest and it’s this betrayal that hurts the most. It’s all well and good encouraging us to eat well, what we would like is to eat, is what we think we are buying.
When a trust is betrayed, as humans, it is the worst emotion to get over. When a trusted company whose image is everywhere lets us down, we are thrown into turmoil as to who can we trust.
Perhaps the only way forward on this is on the spot testing of products. What about the environmental health taking this on as part of their routine inspections. Since they are supposed to be unannounced and they have the power to take samples, this could act as a ‘clean your act up’ push to those who are defruading the public.
Just a suggestion and I welcome yours.