This DSE workstation training for office workers is essential for people whose job means sitting at a desk using computers or laptops, for the majority of their working day. The risks associated with sitting at a desk for work are well documented by the HSE and the medical profession.

My custom-written course is specially designed for office workers to understand the risks associated with their work. The training includes both theory and practical knowledge and individual workstation assessments. On completion of this short course, employees will be able to complete their DSE self-assessment (required by The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992).

All workers should also receive fire safety training as required by The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Why not meet your legal requirements by booking both on the same day.

DSE Workstation Training for Office Staff – Course Content

  • Understanding ergonomics and office working
  • Cause and effects of injuries and ill health
  • Work station design and individual needs
  • Controlling the risks of DSE use
  • Duties in law of employers and employees
  • Best practices for future health
  • Safe lifting and carrying (manual handling techniques)

Course Length – 2 hours

Course is for up to 12 people. Please enquire for pricing.

Certificates of training will be issued on completion of the course along with individual DSE risk assessment forms.

If you prefer your team to take an online version of this course, take a free trial now.

*For full terms and conditions, click here

Book your course

Email or call 0161 298 1040 to arrange or use the contact form below

Any questions?

Email or call 0161 298 1040 to arrange or use the contact form below