I am Michelle Hay and I offer activity based interactive training, consultancy, advice and support to all types of businesses. All levels of employees, managers, senior management and business owners are catered for in matters of health and safety, fire risk assessments, along with food safety and hygiene.
With my practical support and up to date advice, I help employers achieve compliance with their legal and moral obligations. Employees will benefit from clear direction and working in a safe environment. Everyone from the top down will be encouraged to contribute to safety and health in their workplace.
My company started in 2013 and from the start I have focused on supporting business owners who want to instil a safety culture in their workplace. My style is straight talking, providing solutions and support through a variety of practical, and achievable methods.
Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to work with some fantastic teams and clients over the years. I have trained hundreds of staff in all areas of health and safety who have passed their relevant certificates. Through due diligence, training staff and giving them the tools and knowledge, they carried out their jobs with competence and confidence.

Qualifications and Training
Technical member of IOSH, Accredited by CIEH
Registered trainer with CIEH and Highfield International
Mission and Values
To share my skills, knowledge and experience in a professional manner. To deliver professional training in a fun and interactive way that meets every learner’s needs. To empower people with competence and confidence to know how to manage safety and work safely, within the law. To treat each person fairly, respectfully and equally every day.
Career Background
My career background is in management, and training within many sectors. Hotels, business and industry, private education, care home, healthcare and manufacturing to name a few. I’ve been audited for health and safety and food safety more times than I can shake a stick at, all with exceptional results, so I know what I am talking about.
Over 30 years in the industry, managing large teams through training, coaching and development and liaising with board level clients. I have achieved numerous Food Safety Rating Scheme level 5 ‘scores on the doors’ from the relevant Environmental Health Authority and compliance management recognition from all levels. My training style and standards have been recognised by local industry officials and corporate leaders.